HAN BIONETICS Founded on Eden, Babylon, HAN BIONETICS is the entrepreneurial venture of Han Min Hee, MCS who sought to service the cybernetic needs of the Babylonian social elite and top brass as a means of finding strategic partners in the advancement of cybernetic sciences and socio-policial activism.

An inevitable success despite the equally inevitable criticisms that the company, specializing in custom "haute couture" cybernetics as a public face, only cared for the uppercrust, including the corporate and militaristic interest of the Interplanetary Alliance as perpetrated primarily by anti-cybernetic lobbyists who were found at times to have overwhelming support in populations of lower social standings and monetary wealth, Han Bionetics was able to establish itself as one of Eden's top cybernetic companies.

The company's most expansive growth came at the acquisition of now-longstanding, often clandestine contracts with the Alliance Defense Force and media conglomerates like Enjux as a specialty provider of cybernetic services for their clientele.

However, following the death of Han Minhee in 2656, corporate ownership fell to Terminus resident and one-proprietor of the Han Medical Clinic (now Lowtown Medical), HAN KANG JUN, MCS, following a probationary term in Alliance custody during a now-closed malpractice investigation wherein he was found not guilty and suited for reinstatement of medical licensure.

While the established business model served Han Bionetics well in prior years, his recent succession has led to expansion of operations to include low-cost cybernetic services in coordination with system-wide health service based out of Terminus Station and abroad, similar to those once established by the Han Medical Clinic, providing not only medical and cybernetic services, but educational opportunities to a wider population.

Further expansion has been made in the wake of growing anti-cybernetic, anti-transhumanist, and anti-synthetic activities, starting with securing political support of proponents involved in IPA politics and forging new connections with Terminus Station and T-Sec.
services ADVOCACY With established connections to a number of networked medical providers throughout Terminus and abroad, Han Bionetics offers advocacy services in an effort to maintain low costs of medical services rendered as a continuation of his prior work with the medical clinic. While there is no guaranteed amount of cost reduction, advocates work diligently with providers to lighten some of the possible financial strain for medical and cybernetic services.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH A subset of the company’s cybernetic services, Han Bionetics has recently branched into community outreach to provide educational information on cybernetic sciences and transhumanist philosophy, especially in the rise of more widespread anti-android, anti-cybernetic, and anti-transhumanist ideals. This includes lectures, educational seminars, and expo presentations as well as participation in public services.

CYBERNETIC MANUFACTURING & INSTALLATION As a longstanding developer of top of the line cybernetic parts and programming, cybernetics make up the vast majority of Han Bionetics operations. Specializing in custom cybernetic parts, both of style and functional substance per their clientele’s particular preferences, the company is continually investing in research and development of parts, programming, pharmaceuticals, rehabilitation, and other facets of cybernetic sciences. As of 2657, this includes development of low-cost, but quality-built parts to fulfill the needs of a larger consumer base once unable to afford the exorbitant price tag associated with such procedures. To subsidize these efforts, Han Bionetics has established a small number of clandestine trade routes with trusted associates outside of the medical field while relying on off-brand military contract acquisition.

EMERGENCY MEDICINE While the full expanse of medical services once offered by the Han Medical Clinic have been sidelined, emergency medical services are available, including house calls to all decks on Terminus Station.
THE BENEVOLENCE In an effort to combat disparity between classes and populations underserved by Alliance-maintained health systems, the BENEVOLENCE was founded on the concept of medical equity and accessibility as funded by Han Bionetics and a board of shadow investors who believe in the cause.

An armada-class medical ship, the Benevolence is equipped to provide medical and emergency services throughout the Penglai System on par with stationary, brick and mortar establishments, allowing it and its crew to reach areas of poor access throughout. This does not, however, stop the crew from establishing or operating their own practices elsewhere - private or within the Alliance health system - allowing further access to health needs particularly to those on Terminus Station.

With a crew devoted more to the overall health and advancement of the standard of living of all lives in the system, matters of political allegiance take a backseat to the facilitation of medical care in a variety of specializations as provided by an extensive medical staff, top-of-the-line equipment, and secure supply lines to ensure that they are prepared for whatever befalls those even in the furthest reaches of known space.

Potential candidates for the Benevolence are subject to investor review, including background checks and recommendations with the potential to be vetted and vouched for by current members of the crew. For those applying for medical positions, recruits must have formal training and licensure in the field of study associated with their position on the ship. All positions, whether recruited through Han Bionetics or outside associations, are considered new.
RODNEY RODNEY is a miniature medical bot and the unofficial mascot of the Benevolence, programmed with a number of routine medical procotols to aid the crew of the Benevolence including, but not limited to blood pressure readings, vital scans, imaging and prescription processing in accordance with the medical staff aboard.

Rodney also aids with on-station medical needs, particularly those in line with Han Bionetics and Lowtown Medical, a quick go-between sites in the event of off-site triage locations and emergency scenes that may be difficult for members of the medical staff to reach.